Australian Company Harold & Saxon Chisel & Tool Co. make the finest chisels in the world. Each chisel is made to order by a bloke named Trent in Oxenford Queensland. At the Melbourne Timber and Working with Wood Expo this weekend, like the Sydney Show, the company forms part of the Australian Quality Tools stand. The range includes bevel chisels, mortise chisels, heavy duty mortise chisels (big stickers), and a new premium range (with ferules of titanium or gold plate.)
The above photo from this weekend's expo, posted on the Woodwork Forums, is a complete set made over two years for forum member KevJed. I count 31 chisels including pairing skew chisels, bench chisels, mortise chisels, custom mallet, and leather strop.
I think it's time to upgrade my $20 for 3 Irwin chisels.
Other Woodwork Forum Gloats

Oh my God... this set of chisels is as perfect as a father’s gift this Christmas. What do you think? I wonder how much is the set? Oh very lovely. I would really love to add that to my father’s collection of tools.