as the saying goes, my part of the project is finished.
Lincoln Coderre, of Domain Doors, hung the overhead door on
the carport on Th...
More on the Ruler Trick, part 4
[image: Ruler Trick for short blade]
Ironically, I do not use a ruler for the Ruler Trick. As I described in a
post about five years ago, I like a 0.020″ ...
Carbitool Countersink Holder
Below you will find the STL file to 3D Print your own countersink holder.
If you find it’s a tight fit just scale it up (101% is probably enough) in
Won't sink nails
[image: Won't sink nails]
With dial set to max depth the nails barely sink in that soft pre-primed
material. Roll the gun just a little and won’t sink at...
New Product -“David Charlesworth” Marking Knife
Hi Folks
Nearly a decade ago, I was approached by David Charlesworth, who asked me
to collaborate with him to make a Marking Knife. David had strong ideas...
Abracadabra, Make your own water
It’s not quite as magical as making your own water but it’s pretty close.
Our latest book “From Truth to Tools” explores how artisan geometry was the
Mermaid Framed in Barn Board
I haven't posted for over three months because I've just been too busy. I
still am, but felt I should let my readers know I’m still here working away.
You say Goodbye, and I say Hello
This past Friday morning, Rhonda and I sat in a judge’s chambers and
finalized the divorce. That chapter in my life has closed, and with it,
there was on...
5 Years and Counting
Hard to believe its been 5 years and 245 webisodes we have filmed in our
Mastering Woodworking on line show. Time has flown and technology has
definitely i...
Roubo Progress – The Undercarriage
A couple of weekends ago our family visited some friends in Mechanicsburg,
PA and helped Chris in his metal shop, working on a kit plane. You can
check out...
I have officially moved
After writing blog posts here for more than four years, this is my last one
with Blogger. For more than six months I have been writing blog entries at
Entertainment Console - Design Phase
Sometime last year, Sylvia and I were having dinner at my friend Ken's
place. He'd recently got a copy of The House That Sam Built. Sam is one of
my favo...
Frankenstein’s Dust Port
Stop laughing, it works. I mentioned last time that I would cover the dust
collection for my planer as a separate item, and now you understand why.
First, ...
I'm Not Dead
About three years ago I finished my last oud. Six years of tedious
"workmanship of risk" can get to you. I burned out. I also found that I
neglected impo...
All Stoned Up
Achew!! Excuse me… sorry, but the dust on this blog is thick. Not wood dust
unfortunately, but the normal kind of dust (i.e. mostly Soylent Green).
I’ve be...