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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The New Shop

Today we moved into our new residence and as importantly moved into the new workshop. This will be the fourth incarnation of my workspace and the first dedicated external building. 

It's quite a big space. 7.6 x 5.4m or ~40m^2. Concrete slab. Hardwood and corrugated iron construction  Divided into two sections. The larger will be the woodshop and the smaller for garden equipment and wood storage. There are two large wooden bifold doors on each section and three windows. There is also a car port off to one side. (Currently the building has no electricity.)

All tools & timber came off the truck without damage. (Two wheels on the workbench failed but with one end on a trolley it was moved safely without drama.) I haven't even begun to unpack or plan the set up.

I think this one deserves a name...