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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Woodscrap Bin Complete

The Woodscrap Bin is complete in the shed. I finished it with two coats of feast watson clear statin varnish and wheeled it into the shed. So far so good and shed is a lot tidier for it.  (There is extra-wood behind the bin in the photo.)

Bin 1 has offcuts of coastal black (including burls) and radiata pine.

Bin 2 has Tasmanian Mrytle (clear, figured & burls), silver ash, and silky oak. It also has some small pieces of huon pine, red gum, olive wood, ebony, purtle heart and blackwood.

Bin 3 is mostly Australian Red Cedar and some more blackbutt.

The back tray has some masonite, plywood, MDF and old templates from various projects.

Now to upgrade the workbench.