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Sunday, July 1, 2012

'As I get older, I simply have less desire for money and more desire for time'

'We expect to receive money when we work, so that we can spend it when we are rest. Woodworking has taught me to reverse that equation. I build things in my free time so I can avoid buying things. And if I don't have to buy as many things, I don't have to take on jobs that I don't like...

As I get older, I simply have less desire for money and more desire for time. This mental shift might be just the early 40s realization that I'm mortal, but I think it's more profound.

... My anxiety is merely despair that I am wasting time that could be better spent building, writing or cooking.

I want to make things that are permanent, inspiring or just chewy. And because my head is on backward when it comes to modern capitalism I want time more than I want money.'

C. Schwarz, The Anarchist's Toolchest, p 342.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I too feel exactly the same way...I have come to the conclusion that this is simply known as "Wisdom".

    Something that in our 20's we didn't appreciate.

