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Friday, April 1, 2011

Phew those pews were long overdue...

Work, sickness, and family priorities have led to very little in the way of woodworking these past four or five weeks. Today however I had a break through in assembling the pews. 

The 5" makita ROS sander got a mighty work out. Prior to assembly all pieces went step by step through 120, 180, 240, shellac sealer, 240, and 320grit. It reads quickly, but it took several hours to get through all the pieces.

Repetitive drilling was made easier with a memory stick made from scrap pine. A drill press allowed me to form 90 degree holes at set points in the scrap. The scrap could then be moved along the board and used to guide a hand drill. A quick pilot hole with a twist bit followed by a counterbore with a forsnter bit.

After gluing and screwing the holes were filled with plugs. The plugs were cut using the vertias snug plug system (very nice), glued, tapped, and then flush cut.

There's still work to go; more sanding, and then the oiling begins.