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Monday, February 14, 2011

Tool Review: 2 Terrys - Blow Fly Sander Part 1

Terry Walker and Terry Gosschalk are the men behind the Australian tool company TT Designs or the 2 Terrys (http://www.the2terrys.com). They produce a small array of simple yet innovative devices for the shed and garden.

They call one product the Blow Fly. Essentially it is a drill mounted flap sander.  It is similar to a spindle sander in that it allows sanding of relatively tight curves. As the abrasive material is flexible it allows the sander to contour to the size and shape of the object being sanded. (This proved to be a blessing and a curse, but you'll have to wait for part 2.)

The Blow Fly was promptly delivered within 2-3 days of order. It was well packaged and included sand paper of various grit, scourger pads for cleaning/polishing, and leather pads for honing/polishing.

The Australian designed and made tool was of high build quality. Practical and solid.

The outer steel rods are sprung to maintain tension. To load the paper or pads you simply unhook from rods and slide on your abrasive. The process was fiddly but straight forward.

With the Blow Fly mounted in the drill press it was ready for action. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of this stage so that'll have to wait for a part 2. Results were a little mixed so stay tuned.

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