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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finally back to the shaker table...

I was getting a bit worried that this 'woodworking blog' had very little actually 'woodworking'. However with better weather, a dust extractor back in action, and some free time; today I was able to get back to work on the Anniversary Shaker table. 

On the power jointer/thicknesser I was able to mill the three remaining large sections of timber. The two bench seats are solid myrtle 290mm x 36mm x ~2000mm. (Unfortunately trimmed from ~310mm to fit into the planner.)

The stretcher to go between the two legs is at present ~100mm x 38mm x ~1800mm. I'm still debating adding a subtle curve like the rest of the pieces and would be interested in peoples feedback on that. 

There are still a few smaller sections to mill another day.

I'm still working on the final shaping for the legs and will start sanding in the next few days. Progress is slow, but there is progress none-the-less.

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