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Friday, August 6, 2010

Sneak Peak: The table top after a coat of oil...

Flattening the top by hand with a Stanley no 7 resulted in some mild tear out. Switching to abrasives, I used a belt sander (120grit) and a random orbit sander (120 to 1200 grit.) At around 600 grit I coated the top with a diluted coat of UBeaut White Shellac which acts as a pore sealer and allows the oil to penetrate more easily. The oil of choice for this job is Organoil Hard Bunishing Oil which is a tung oil based product (see Stu's Shed.) Only a thin coat is needed, the excess rubbed off at 30min, and then with micromesh or wet dry sanded moist at 1500 grit. Another thin coat, and burnishing to 3200 is the plan.

Prior to this a trimmer router with a 1/8" CMT bit rounded the edges, and a saw/rasp/sand paper rounded the corners to 20c piece radius.

The timber is fiddleback Tasmanian Myrtle (Nothofagus cunninghamii) from Boutique Timbers with Ebony dowel (Diospyros sp.) from Trend Timbers.

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