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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Leg Vices

The Blackbutt Roubo has three bench crafted vices. A stationary modified glide vice, a sliding glide vice, and a wagon vice. A few minor innovations make my vice layout unique (well as far as I know.)

  1. A modification to the wheel mounts allowing laterally orientated bolts allows a reduction in height. Handy, to allow the parallel guide mechanism is contained under the bench. (The real benefit of this is seen on the sliding vice, keeping the parallel bar away from the storage shelf.)
  2. The sliding vice is mounted on 4 wheels. This allows a super smooth lateral action.
  3. Steel re-enforcement. You can read about that in earlier posts.
  4. Other modifications are purely aesthetic choices, inspired by our local church.

Leg Vice 1: Left Leg


 Leg Vice 2: Slide baby slide
 Smooth action. I'm yet to attach the chop.


Some installation photos



  1. Coming along nicely I see. Can't wait to see the projects that are going to come off of this bench.

  2. Not sure if you'll get this comment or not but I am very interested in who is in the soundtrack of your sliding leg vise video. It is a good song and would love to hear more where it came from. Nice bench BTW, very functional looking.

