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Friday, April 16, 2010

89.9 Degrees

89.9 degrees is a long way from square. Anyone who has tried fine joinery, wide case work, milling and drilling... in fact nearly all will find their task ruined by a bad square. My first square was a stanely combination. A very useful tool. The only problem is the slack in the bolt allows some slip and loss of square. My second square was $3 from super cheap auto.... hmmm.

Last year I decided to upgrade. Two tempted me.

The Incra single piece alloy (right, Professional Woodworking Supplies), and the Hand Crafted wood & brass Colon Clenton (left, HNT Gordon). However, after a chat with Christ Vesper, at last year's Sydney (june) I was convinced to hang out for a new model he was producing.

The stainless steel blade would not tarnish like the brass of the Clenton. They are not calibrate-able, like the Clenton. Although more expensive, they have that friendly warm, hand made feeling, unlike the laser cut incra.

I needed a good square before starting the main joinery for my roubo.

So back in July I ordered one.... I heard 8 weeks till... then by Christmas... and today...
"I have finished some urgent orders as a smallish test batch and everything went well. In between production of regular tools to keep stock and fill orders I am currently working on all my orders for full sets of three so sorry to say that your order for the TS7 Blackwood will come sometime after that. It will be some months away, my aim is to finish them by end of financial year. " - Chris

Now what shall I do? Wait? Clenton?

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