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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eucalyptus Pilularis - Coastal Blackbutt

The timber for the WorkBench Project is 'Coastal Blackbutt'. A timber that grows locally up and down the east coast, particularly where I used to live. It's correct name is 'Eucalyptus Pilularis' however after a bush fire it maintains a black colouration to it's lower half; hence 'blackbutt'.

It is a largely straight grained timber. Pale to golden brown in colour. Commonly available in 350-400mm widths upto 3m length. Sale prices vary around $2-5 a board foot makes it very reasonable. I have seen a few large boardroom tables made of highly figured blackbutt (fiddleback and burl). It's nice to use timbers that are local.

It's use in furniture is limited by high levels of gum veins, checking and constant need of re-sharpening tools. It is popular for flooring and some structural work.

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