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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blogging delay... nothing to do with wood.

It's been an interesting week.

We travelled down to Sydney for my graduation. It was also my wife's birthday which was a good opportunity to go to the "theatre" and saw "My Fair Lady."  Which was lovely. Then spent the rest of the week seeing family and friends.

So far so good...but on the way home a new problem developed.

My faithful transportation system... my 2000 model falcon wagon... also known as "hungry hippo"... had a slight problem. And now... It's not feeling too well right now. (No one was injured other than some whiplash that's settled down.)


That was our second Falcon. Below was our first one was a 1992 model.

It also died. Also related to the weather. This one died in hail.


And if all goes well... the replacement. Strangely not a ford.


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