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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wood shopping...

Boutique Timbers

Once you graduate from Bunnings bought Radiata Pine you’ll want to explore the world of Australian Hardwoods and Softwoods. I’m fortunate enough to have a good local timber merchant. Mal Ward of Boutique Timbers has always offered me good variety (I've purchased from him Tas. Blackwood, Tas. Mrytle, Huon Pine, Silky Oak, Northern Silverash, River Redgum, Jarrah...) all at a good price. His small mill trades mostlyin slabs rather than boards, and all the wood I’ve purchased has been air dried on his property. He travels to a variety of woodshows around the country. If you come across him mention my name.

My purchase

After discussing the project, quantity of , and my budget - Mal showed me a few timbers and we eventually deciding on Coastal Blackbutt. Blackbutt is a very heavy and dense wood akin to Red River Gum (my last large project.) Why Blackbutt? Although a relatively plain wood, I chose it because it is grown locally (you see it everywhere around here) and I liked that. I also wanted something strong enough to handle the curves I want to make. One thing I wasn’t prepared for was – although my tools don’t seem to mind it, my back does, this is a really heavy wood.

4 boards, 3m long, all wedge shape 350mm-400mm, and 50mm thick – total $300.

Rough marking, making sure all the parts will fit.

The rough tabletop.

Benches, stretches and everything else.

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